$625K Recovery for Grocery Store Trip & Fall
Our client was a patron at Ventu Park Liquor & Market. While walking down the aisle, they suffered a trip and fall with a case of water bottles that the store had left behind. The victim fell hard to the ground, injuring his right elbow and hip.
As a result of this incident, the victim sustained severe and debilitating injuries. As discussed below, the defendant failed to exercise ordinary care to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition. This directly and immediately caused our client’s resulting injuries. The employees failed to call emergency services.
Our client had to go to the hospital for treatment of the injuries they sustained. As a result of the incident, our client presented a fracture of the right hip in the medical tests performed. In addition, they suffered a fracture of the neck. Finally, the doctors sutured the abrasion on the right elbow caused by the trip and fall in the store. The victim had to undergo treatment in the following months to recover from the injuries caused by the accident.
Adamson Ahdoot’s attorneys secured $650K so that the victim would be financially able to pay for all medical expenses incurred.

Verdict Date
July 2021
Negligence LawyerAccident
Premises Liability LawyerAccident
Slip And Fall LawyerInjury
Common Back & Neck InjuriesLocation
Irvine, CA Office Los Angeles, CAAttorneys on the case
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