$5.75M Negotiated Settlement for Rear-End Collision
Our client was the driver of a gray-colored vehicle that was driving with his family on a road in Santa Clarita, California. Their children were passengers in the car. At that same time, another driver was traveling at a high rate of speed directly behind our client’s car. Our client slowed down their car because of the traffic ahead. However, the other driver did not slow down due to the high speed they were traveling and rear-ended our client’s car.
The police officer on the scene found the defendant at fault for the collision in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22350 for driving at an unsafe speed.
All occupants of the car rear-ended were seriously injured. One of the victims was a minor. Some of the injured suffered neck and shoulder injuries, which required a cervical collar. In addition to pain in the middle and lower back, the victims suffered broken bones and cuts to the hands and face.
Unfortunately, our client continued to suffer from permanent, lasting injuries. Our accident attorneys recovered $5.75 million for the injuries caused to the victim after being rear-ended.
Verdict Date
July 2022
Car AccidentAccident
Catastrophic InjuryInjury
Common Back & Neck InjuriesAccident
Los Angeles, CAAttorneys on the case
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