$250K Recovery for a Passenger Side Crash
Our client was the driver of a vehicle traveling north on Academy Avenue at the intersection of Herndon Avenue in Fresno County, California. At the same time, the defendant driver was approaching from the east on Herndon Ave. The defendant slowed and stopped at the stop sign posted at the intersection. However, the defendant disregarded the traffic laws and caused a side impact crash.
As our client entered the intersection, the defendant driver failed to yield the right-of-way to our claimant. Suddenly, the accused turned into the path of our client’s vehicle. Our client tried to steer towards the right, but had very limited time to react and collided with the passenger’s side of the defendant’s auto.
The police officer on the scene found the defendant at fault for the collision in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 21802(a) VC for failure to yield the right-of-way.
Doctors saw our client for the evaluation and treatment of the injuries sustained due to the motor vehicle collision that occurred. Due to the severity of the side impact crash, our client needed urgent medical attention. Following the complete physical examination, a doctor diagnosed our client with the following:
1. Motor vehicle accident involving a re-entrant collision with another motor vehicle, injuring the driver of a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle.
2. Pain in the neck.
3. Contusion of the chest wall.
4. Contusion of the left upper arm.
5. Lumbago.

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