$195K Secured by AA Law Lawyer for Parking Lot Accident

$195k Negotiated for Wheel Stop Accident in Parking Lot

Our client arrived with children at El Toro Carniceria in Santa Ana, Southern California. Upon exiting the vehicle, they tripped and fell on a wheel stop in the parking lot. As a result of this incident, our client suffered serious and debilitating injuries. As discussed below, the defendant failed to exercise ordinary care to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition, which actually and proximately caused our client’s resulting injuries. Due to the severity of the parking lot accident, the victim hired an Adamson Ahdoot lawyer to handle the litigation.

The paramedics transported our client to the emergency room at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange. There, they received treatment for the injuries sustained from the fall in the parking lot. Our client complained of right leg and right hip pain. Also, physical examination revealed soft tissue tenderness and swelling of the right hip and buttock.

The x-rays of the right femur revealed an acute fracture superimposed on the right hip arthroplasty involving the proximal femur at the level of the femoral component of the arthroplasty with minimal displacement. The emergency department consulted orthopedics and our client was given Norco to relieve his pain symptoms. In addition, the victim consulted with another orthopedist, who recommended surgery.

As a result of this parking lot accident in front of a California butcher shop, the victim received a $195K settlement from an AA Law lawyer for permanent health injuries.

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