$500K Secured by AA Law Lawyer for Wrongful Death in California

$500K Awarded for Wrongful Death

The defendant picked up our client from their home in the evening. When they arrived at the defendant’s home, the defendant and our client were smoking marijuana in the car. At that point, the plaintiff informed the defendant that they had taken a Percocet pill before picking them up. Our client fell asleep on the couch at the defendant’s residence. The next day, the defendant tried to wake our clients and found them unresponsive. They died shortly thereafter. The victim’s family contacted an Adamson Ahdoot lawyer to file a California wrongful death lawsuit.

The defendant owed a duty of care to the public in general and to our client in particular. The accused breached these duties when acting in an unreasonable, careless, and reckless manner. By behaving negligently under the circumstances, they caused this situation.

Based on the documentation provided, it is abundantly clear that liability rests solely with the defendant. Our client complied with all laws at the time of the incident and acted reasonably under the circumstances. Therefore, any issue of comparative negligence is mitigated. Liability in this case is not in dispute.

Farmers Insurance accepted liability in this matter. As such, our client was entitled to full compensation for all economic and non-economic damages caused by the defendant’s negligence. A California expert lawyer at Adamson Ahdoot obtained a $500K settlement for the family of the deceased victim as a result of a wrongful death claim.

The mixing of drugs in the victim led to a California wrongful death lawsuit.


November 2021




Central Valley Region

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