$325K for a Slip and Fall Injury Lawsuit at Panera Bread in CA

$325K Negotiated for Panera Bread Coffee Spill Injury

Our client was a customer at Panera Bread in Downey, California. The victim entered the establishment to place their order when the accident occurred. Our client was walking away from the kiosk after ordering a coffee when they slipped on a spilled liquid on the floor. This negligence resulted in the customer slipping and falling, landing on their back on the floor of the establishment. This negligence led our client to file a Panera Bread personal injury lawsuit with Adamson Ahdoot.

Based on the complaint and subsequent settlement, there was obvious negligence on the part of the defendant. The failure to exercise ordinary care to maintain the premises and equipment in a reasonably good and safe condition resulted in our client’s injuries.

The victim sought medical attention for their injuries. Our client complained of burning pain on the left side of their neck, as well as neck swelling, pins, and needle-like sensations. Additionally, they had severe discomfort on the left side of their body. They reported pain in their left shoulder, left elbow, left lower back, and left knee.

Our client rated the neck pain as 4-7/10, low back pain as 5-8/10, and left knee pain as 8/10. The pain in the neck radiated to the left shoulder, periscapular, and left arm. In addition, the low back pain radiated to the left knee. As a result of our defendant’s slip and fall injury lawsuit against Panera Bread, our client received a settlement of $325K.


April 2021




Los Angeles, CA

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