$301K for an Accident Caused by a Drunk Driver in Brea, California

$301K Settlement in a Drunk Driver Collision

The driver of the vehicle who we represent had come to a stop at a red light on Associated Road in Brea, California. The driver was practicing restraint and following traffic laws at the time. At the same time, the defendant driver of a car was traveling at a high rate of speed behind a stopped vehicle directly behind our client. The accused driver failed to yield to stopped vehicles ahead and rear-ended the car behind our client. As a result, they rear-ended our client’s vehicle. The defendant driver was under the influence of alcohol at the time of this California drunk driving accident.

Upon impact, our client struck their chest on the steering wheel of the vehicle. As a result of the incident, the victim sustained serious injuries and required prolonged medical attention.

The officer at the scene found the drunk driver at fault for the accident in violation of California Vehicle Code Section CVC 23152 (A) for driving under the influence of alcohol and CVC 22350 for driving at an unsafe speed for the prevailing conditions. USAA Casualty Insurance Company has accepted liability in this matter.

As such, our client received full compensation for all economic and non-economic damages proximately caused by the defendant’s negligence. In addition, our client also obtained the reasonable value of medical care and expenses incurred.


August 2019




Los Angeles, CA

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