$180K for a Rear End Collision Accident Resulting in TBI

$180K Recovery for a Rear-End Accident

Our client was the driver of a vehicle traveling west on Mullholland Drive near Nicada Drive in Sherman Oaks, California. At the time, the defendant driver was traveling at a high rate of speed directly behind our client’s vehicle. When our client’s driver slowed for approaching traffic, the defendant failed to yield. By failing to reduce speed, the accused driver caused a rear end collision accident with our client’s vehicle.

As a result of the impact, our client’s head turned to the right. This abrupt movement caused whiplash when the back of their head hit the headrest. As a consequence of the accident, our client’s vehicle was totaled.

Our client suffered multiple major injuries that altered and diminished their quality of life. One of the most serious was a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A car accident involving a rear end collision can have long-term effects. To this day, our client continues to experience the residual effects of his TBI.

In accident cases involving such devastating injuries, victims should consult with a legal expert. With the help of professionals like the attorneys at Adamson Ahdoot, every injured person can receive the compensation they deserve.

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