$150K Settlement for Running Intersection
Our client was driving a vehicle southbound in the #1 lane on Newhope Street in Santa Ana, California. At the same time, the defendant was driving a vehicle eastbound in the #1 lane on First Street. The accused driver was traveling at approximately 10-15 MPH. Both entered the intersection at the same time. Our client came to a complete stop and then proceeded cautiously southbound as the signal light was not working. However, the defendant driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic. Therefore, they proceeded through the intersection without stopping or yielding, resulting in a frontal crash into the right side of the plaintiff’s vehicle.
Upon impact, our client was violently jerked from side to side and struck their head on the dashboard. The police officer at the scene found the defendant driver at fault for causing the collision. Specifically, for violating California Vehicle Code Section 21800 (d) (1) C.V.C. for failure to yield the right-of-way at an intersection with inoperative signals.
Santa Ana City Fire Department paramedics evaluated our client at the scene of the accident. The victim complained of headaches as a result of the impact of their head in the intersection crash. In addition, the plaintiff rated the intensity of the pain as 7/10. After applying all safety restraints, the paramedics transported our client to the emergency room at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital without incident. Our experienced car accident attorneys secured a $150K settlement for the victim.

May 2021
Car Accident LawyerInjury
Brain And Spinal Cord Injuries LawyerInjury
After Head InjuryInjury
Pain And Suffering LawyerInjury
Chronic PainLocation
Los Angeles, CAAttorneys on the case
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