$1.9M Secured by Our Rear-End Collision Lawyer in San Francisco

$1.9M Settlement for Rear-End Accident

Our client was driving a vehicle southbound from the SFO Domestic Terminal in San Mateo County, California. As they approached US-101, the defendant was driving a speeding car directly behind the plaintiff’s vehicle. When our client stopped at a red light, the defendant failed to yield in time. As a result, the accused driver slammed into the rear of our client’s vehicle. This violent rear end collision prompted the victim to seek the expertise of a San Francisco Adamson Ahdoot lawyer.

The police officer at the scene determined that the defendant was at fault for the collision. Specifically, for violating California Vehicle Code Section 22350 CVC for driving at an unreasonable speed. “No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable, and in no case at a speed that endangers the safety of persons or property.”

As a result of this accident, our client’s vehicle was totaled, causing a significant loss of use.

The injuries sustained were equally severe. The plaintiff suffered long-term neck and back injuries, requiring ongoing medical treatment. Thanks to the expertise and dedication of our experienced AA Law lawyer, the victim secured a $1.9 million settlement for this rear-end collision.

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