$840K Secured by AA Law for a Hit and Run in Los Angeles!

$840K Recovery for Hit-and-Run Incident

Our client slowed and braked in the face of traffic and pedestrians traveling and passing in front of them. However, the defendant did not slow down or yield to the stopped vehicles ahead. As a result, the accused driver slammed into the rear of our client’s vehicle. Our Los Angeles hit and run lawyers put together a strong case.

The force of the impact pushed our client’s car into the rear of another vehicle traveling in front. As a result, the airbags in the plaintiff’s vehicle were deployed. The victim suffered moderate to severe injuries including back and neck pain, headaches, ear pain, tinnitus, ringing in the ears, right shoulder, and numbness in the right leg. The defendant driver fled from the scene on foot without exchanging information.

The police officer at the scene found the defendant driver at fault for the collision, in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22350 VC for driving at an unsafe speed. As a result of this accident, our client’s vehicle sustained extensive rear-end damage. Based on the evidence presented, there was sufficient evidence to prove fault. Our Los Angeles hit and run attorneys obtained a settlement of $840K for the victim’s damages.

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