$795K Negotiated for Rear-End Accident
Our client was the driver of a vehicle traveling eastbound on the I-10 on the Santa Monica Freeway. At the time, the defendant was operating another vehicle directly behind our plaintiff’s car at a high rate of speed. The car accident occurred when the defendant rear ended our client’s car 485 feet west of Washington Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.
Our client stopped for the traffic ahead. At that point, the defendant driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic and struck the rear of our client’s vehicle.
The police officer at the scene determined that the accused driver was at fault for the collision. The officer found the defendant in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22350 CVC for driving at an unsafe speed. As a result of the collision, our client’s vehicle was totaled.
The defendant driver breached their statutory duty when they acted carelessly, recklessly, and negligently under the circumstances. The defendant driver failed to keep a proper lookout for road conditions and rear ended the victim’s car, violating the statutes and causing an accident resulting in injuries.
According to the supporting documentation, our client was obeying all laws at the time of the incident and was acting reasonably under the circumstances. Therefore, this mitigates any comparative negligence. Based on the foregoing, it is abundantly clear that liability rested solely with the defendant driver. Liability in this case is undisputed.

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