$300k Negotiated Settlement for Stair Slip-and-Fall - Adamson Ahdoot LLP

$300k Negotiated Settlement for Stair Slip-and-Fall

Our client was walking down the stairs and their foot slipped on his third step. They extended their right hand trying to stop his fall without success.

The defendant denied liability by claiming that they did not rent their property as residential units. They claim to have rented their property to a commercial tenant and did not know that our client was residing in the property. The defendant further claims that they had no notice of the condition of the stairs before our client’s fall. However, the defendant was aware that its property was being rented as residential units a year after he first leased it.

The defendant’s willful failure to inspect its premises does not constitute a lack of notice. In fact, their actions qualify as malice because “a person acts with knowing disregard when he or she is aware of the probable dangerous consequences of his or her conduct and deliberately fails to avoid those consequences.”

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