$225K for a Forklift Fall Accident in Walmart Parking Lot

$225K Secured Settlement for Tripping on Walmart Forklift

Our client was a patron at Walmart located in the City of Redlands, California. Our client was unloading a craft table from a store cart to their car. Subsequently, they tripped over an empty forklift that an employee had left next to his car. This accident resulted in health problems as they fell to the ground in the Walmart parking lot with their left wrist extended.

Upon impact, our client struck their head, neck, face, hands, back, and lower extremities against the ground. Our client sustained severe and debilitating injuries as a result of this incident.

As discussed below, the defendant failed to use ordinary care to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition. As a result of this negligence, a forklift accident occurred in the Walmart parking lot, seriously injuring a customer.

Our client went to the emergency department of Loma Linda University Medical Center for evaluation and treatment of injuries sustained due to the trip and fall incident that occurred earlier in the day. Our client complained of pain in her left wrist and left forearm associated with swelling in their left wrist.

A Walmart employee's negligence in the parking lot resulted in injuries to a customer.

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