$1.1M Recovery for a Rear-End Collision

Our clients were traveling northbound in Atascadero, California when the rear end accident occurred.
The defendant was operating a vehicle directly behind our client’s vehicle at a high rate of speed. Our client slowed down for the traffic ahead, however, the defendant driver failed to yield to the slowing traffic and slammed into the rear of their vehicle.
Upon impact, our client hit their chest and stomach on the steering wheel of the vehicle. They suffered injuries to their left leg, as well as lower back pain that caused them to have surgery. They also suffered bruising to their chest. While their child also suffered bruising and injuries to their lower back.
The defendant’s vehicle sustained heavy damage to its front from rear-ending into the tow hitch of our client’s vehicle.
The police officer on the scene found the defendant at fault for the rear end accident in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22350 V.C. for driving at an unsafe speed. As a result of this collision, our client’s vehicle sustained EXTENSIVE REAR-END DAMAGE.
They were entitled to full compensation for all economic and non-economic damages proximately caused by the defendant.

July 2022
Car Accident LawyerAccident
Rear-End AccidentInjury
Common Back & Neck InjuriesInjury
Pain And Suffering LawyerLocation
Central Valley Region BakersfieldAttorneys on the case
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