Man Hit by Vehicle on Route 163 - Adamson Ahdoot LLP

California Legal Blog

Man Hit by Vehicle on Route 163

October 28, 2022 Alan Ahdoot

More than 1,000 pedestrians die each year in California

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A pedestrian suffered serious injuries after being struck in Hillcrest a few weeks ago. As reported by the California Highway Patrol, the man hit by a vehicle was walking on State Route 163 prior to the accident.

CHP Officer Jesse Matías reported that the incident occurred shortly after 2 p.m. The man was apparently walking in the southbound lanes of the highway, exiting the University Avenue on-ramp, when a silver Toyota struck him.

The driver responsible, a 65-year-old man, was not injured. Police noted that he remained and cooperated with the investigation following the collision.

Matías confirmed that the victim was rushed to the hospital with “major” wounds. However, despite the seriousness of the injuries, his life is not in danger.

The CHP continues to investigate the accident. Authorities stated in a press release that neither drugs nor alcohol was the cause of the crash.

California, the State with the Highest Number of Pedestrian Fatalities

Recent data shows that California is ranked number one in pedestrian fatalities in the United States. As indicated by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, the Golden State has the highest pedestrian death rate in the nation, with more than 1,000 pedestrian fatalities yearly. Despite the devastating statistics, fortunately, the number of annual fatalities declined in 2020. With 1,026, it was a record year, as the number of deaths dropped significantly.

We at Adamson Ahdoot recommend drivers and pedestrians be extremely cautious on the road. If you are careful with your speed, you can prevent accidents and pedestrian collisions. Paying attention to people crossing the road, as well as avoiding distractions or drunk driving, can save lives.

Why Are There So Many Pedestrian Collisions?

Experts believe that several factors have contributed to this increase. Interestingly, accidents such as cars hitting pedestrians, like the man hit by a vehicle on Route 163, are the most preventable. Some of the most common causes include:

  • High levels of stress, which affect driver behavior
  • Roads that aren’t designed for pedestrians, but only for vehicle traffic
  • Delays in implementing safety precautions
  • Lack of driver accountability
  • Speeding or excessive
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Suffering injuries like the man hit by a vehicle on Route 163 leave irreparable consequences

Hit by a Vehicle? We Can Help!

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a collision resulting in serious injuries, contact our team. Whether as a cyclist or pedestrian, our car accident personal injury lawyers will guide you to maximize the claim you deserve.

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