How to Preserve Evidence Following a Los Angeles Car Accident
The first priority after a car accident is to make sure you and everyone else is safe. This includes making sure that no one needs emergency medical attention. Once you’ve determined that everyone is safe, try to document everything. Preserving as much evidence as possible is key. It’s important to remember that your ability to recover compensation in a personal injury claim may be determined by how much evidence is recovered or documented.
In an effort to preserve as much evidence as possible following a car accident, the Los Angeles car accident lawyers at Adamson Ahdoot LLP recommend you:

Take Photos of the Accident Scene
If possible, take as many photos of the scene as you can. Photograph the scene from different angles and look for evidence of the accident. This may include skid marks or damage to railings, signs, etc. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as dilapidated street signs or road debris, take pictures of this potential evidence as well. It’s also important to take pictures of any damage to your vehicle. Again, take pictures of the damage (inside and out) from different angles. And, if possible, don’t forget to take pictures of the damage to the other vehicle(s) involved.
Please note: don’t leave your ability to file a claim to fate! Make sure you back up photos of the car accident scene or print them.
Keep Any Physical Evidence of the Accident
If you think an object or item you can see or touch may help prove how your injury occurred or how the accident happened, keep it safe. Examples of physical evidence may be your clothes, cell phone, and other items in your car.
Copy and File Paper Documents
It’s important to keep all paper documents related to the car accident. This includes medical records, police reports, and medication receipts. To ensure that your documents are not lost, we recommend that you make either a physical or digital copy of them and store them in separate locations.
Talk to and Record Eyewitness Accounts
If you weren’t able to speak to any eyewitnesses following the crash, you may need to contact and speak with eyewitnesses soon after the crash. It’s important you speak with witnesses as soon as possible after the accident because the more time that passes, the more likely it is for them to forget what they saw or heard. It’s also important you ask if their statements can be recorded. A recording of their statements may be used later in negotiations or a trial, if necessary. Preserving this evidence in good condition can be crucial to the claim.
Get Medical Attention as Soon as Possible After the Crash
Following a Los Angeles car accident, it’s imperative you get medical attention for your injuries as soon as possible. Not only may the status of your health depend on quick medical care, but your ability to file a claim may rest on whether or not you delayed medical advice and treatment. If an insurance company notices you waited to see a physician, they may not take you or your injury seriously and deny your claim.
Let Us Work For You So You Can Focus on Recovery
At Adamson Ahdoot LLP, we know the minutes and days after an LA car accident can seem like a blur. As you focus on your recovery, it can be hard to think about anything else. Why suffer twice? Let our skilled car crash attorneys take care of preserving and documenting evidence for you. That way, you can focus your time and energy on what’s important: your recovery.
Our legal team works with the best in forensics and investigation. This allows us to build strong cases that prove our clients deserve the highest amount of compensation possible. In a personal injury claim, our clients have recovered all types of damages. These include financial compensation for hospital stays, surgery, doctor visits, medications, lost income, mental anguish, physical pain, loss of quality of life, and other types of damages.
To arrange a free case review with one of our personal injury lawyers, submit a contact form or call (800)310-1606. Time is not on your side when it comes to legal matters. Move quickly to ensure your claim is not denied.
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