8 Reasons Why Lawyers Deny Personal Injury Claims - AA Law

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8 Reasons a Personal Injury Lawyer Might Reject Your Claim

November 29, 2023 Alan Ahdoot
Home » Blog » 8 Reasons a Personal Injury Lawyer Might Reject Your Claim

When you’ve suffered a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence, getting help from a personal injury lawyer is often your best course of action. These legal professionals can help you secure compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and emotional distress. However, there’s no guarantee that all claims will be accepted. There are certain signs that your personal injury case will be dismissed.

Personal injury lawyers can reject potential cases that come their way.

If you want to learn how to avoid getting your claim denied by a lawyer, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will discuss the possible reasons a lawyer may reject your case. 

8 Reasons Why A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Reject A Case

Contrary to popular belief, lawyers are not obligated to take every personal injury claim that comes their way. They have the right to reject certain cases for the following reasons:

Your Claim is Outside Their Practice Area

A lawyer could deny your claim if they believe it’s outside their practice area. 

Personal injury covers a wide range of cases. A good attorney will tell you outright if they lack the experience and skills to handle your case properly. 

In this case, it’s a good sign that your claim was rejected. It shows that the lawyer you’ve spoken to will not risk your case to make a profit. 

Your Claim’s Statute of Limitations Has Expired

The statute of limitations varies from one case to another. If one of your prospective attorneys sees that your statute of limitation has expired, they will most likely reject it. 

This is because once your statute of limitations has ended, you lose your right to seek compensation against the at-fault party. 

There are cases wherein a lawyer will reject a case if its time limit is almost over. Investigations typically take time; if they believe their discovery phase will take longer, they could deny your claim. 

They Don’t Have Enough Time

Some personal injury lawyers handle several claims simultaneously. This is one of the signs that your case will be dismissed. They will usually deny it if they feel they can’t give your case the time it needs.

When this happens, you can ask them for referrals instead. See if they have trusted associates who they think can help you seek legal action. 

Your Claim Has Liability Issues

Personal injury lawyers are advocates for injured victims. These legal professionals are dedicated to fighting for the rights of those who were hurt by other people’s negligence. 

If there’s a chance that you, the injured victim, are somehow liable for the majority of the incident, an attorney could deny your claim.

The expiration of the statute of limitations or liability issues are signals that your case will be dismissed.
Personal injury lawyers won’t always agree to take on your case

You Received No or Little Medical Care

Medical care typically serves as evidence in personal injury claims. It shows the extent of your injuries and the treatment you need to recover from them. 

Without medical care, your lawyer will have a harder time validating your personal injury claim. 

There’s A Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest is one of the most common signs that your case will be dismissed.

For example, you’re filing a product liability claim against a manufacturer whose owner is related to your chosen attorney. Their relationship with the manufacturer’s owner is a clear conflict of interest, which means they’re morally obligated to decline your claim.

The same rule applies when your interests are at odds with the attorney’s. Some firms reject cases if they think the client will not get along with their staff. 

Since you and your lawyer will be working for quite some time, it’s important to have a good working relationship. This can be hard to achieve if you’re not on the same page as them.

Your Claim Cannot Be Recovered

Even if you have a strong claim on your hands, a lawyer could still deny it if the other party has no funds they can use to compensate you. 

Although most drivers must have their own insurance coverage for certain accidents, not everyone has enough resources to offer in a settlement. It’s one of the saddest realities in personal injury claims. 

Defendants who are not financially secure simply won’t have the means to accommodate your claim. They could even file for bankruptcy, affecting your ability to collect. 

There’s Not Enough Damages to Your Claim

The compensation you can claim depends on your sustained damages and injuries. The less damage there is, the lower the value of the claim.

Most firms will look at the amount of resources your case will need and compare it to the potential award they will get should they win. Some lawyers will deny claims if they think the risks outweigh the rewards they can get.

If this is the case, you still have the option to pursue it on your own, albeit the process will not be easy. You will have to go through complicated legal proceedings without the help of a professional.

What to Do If A Personal Injury Lawyer Rejects Your Claim

Do not panic if a lawyer rejects your application. Just because one lawyer denied it doesn’t mean you don’t have a strong case on your hands. You still have the option to shop around and look for other firms who can help you. 

If you identify with any of the signs we have listed in this blog, your case will most likely be dismissed. With this in mind, we suggest you schedule free consultations with other trusted attorneys in your area and see which will be willing to take your claim on. 

Most firms offer free consultations to potential clients, where they evaluate their claims. You can take advantage of these appointments to look for new potential attorneys. 

Find A Personal Injury Lawyer in California

If you’re looking for legal representation in California, look no further than Adamson Ahdoot. 

With over 100 years of combined legal experience, Adamson Ahdoot is one of the leading civil litigation firms in the Golden State. We handle our cases with the intimacy of a small firm and the expertise of a larger one.

Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers will assist you in filing your personal injury claim and increase your chances of getting justice. 

With Adamson Ahdoot’s help, you can focus on your healing and recovery. Call us at (800) 310-1606 and file your claim today.

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