$1M Recovered for Semi-Truck Transport Rear End Accident | AA Law

$1M Recovered for Semi-Truck Transport Rear End Accident

Our client was traveling westbound on the 210 Highway in California. At that time, the defendant was driving a semi-truck transport vehicle directly behind our client’s vehicle at a high rate of speed. As our client slowed down to the pace of traffic, the defendant failed to yield to the slowing traffic and slammed into the rear of our client’s vehicle.

Our client presented to the emergency department at a local medical center for evaluation and treatment of the injuries they sustained from the motor vehicle collision that occurred that day. They complained of headaches that wrapped like a band around their back, pain in their neck, and dizziness.

Their symptoms included lightheadedness, vertigo, numbness and tingling around her arms, legs, and face; and generalized weakness.

We were able to secure them maximum compensation for their lasting injuries.

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