Why it’s Common for You to Be Denied Coverage after Filing a Car Accident Claim | Adamson Ahdoot LLP

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Why it’s Common for You to Be Denied Coverage after Filing a Car Accident Claim

September 14, 2021 Alan Ahdoot

car crash driver
After being in a car accident with another vehicle, you most likely exchanged car insurance information with the other driver. If the other vehicle hit you, you’ll need to contact the other driver’s insurance to file a claim. If you were involved in a
hit and run accident, you’ll most likely contact your insurer. In either scenario, you’re hoping an insurance policy will help with the expenses related to a car crash, especially if you’ve suffered an injury. 

But, what happens if you’re denied coverage? Why would an insurance company deny you help when you’re suffering? There may be a number of reasons you were denied coverage, but the most common reasons claims are denied, include: 

Waiting too long to file a claim

Although there aren’t usually any specific deadlines, if you wait too long to file a claim, most insurers will deny your claim. Most insurance companies have a short window of time they’ll allow a claim to be filed so there’s no reason to wait to get the claims process started. 

Claiming too much in damages 

In some cases, the amount of damages you ask for may be higher than what the other driver’s policy permits. For example: if the other driver’s policy only carried the minimum amount required by law, it may not cover the total amount of damages you seek. If the damages amount is much higher than the policy limit, insurance companies have a habit of just denying the claim instead of trying to offer up to the policy amount. 

Not providing enough information 

If you fail to provide the insurance company with documentation of your injuries or the accident, the insurance company may deny your claim. In order for you to collect damages, you must cooperate with the insurance company’s investigation and provide substantial evidence of the physical, entional, and financial damages you suffered as a result of the accident. 

However, we highly recommend you work only with the other driver’s insurer once you’ve secured an aggressive attorney. A Los Angeles car crash attorney can make sure the information you provide doesn’t damage your ability to get a fair settlement. 

Being responsible for the accident 

If you file an insurance claim with a third-party insurer and the other driver’s insurance company determines you were more than 50 percent at-fault for the accident, your claim may be rejected. It’s important to keep in mind: insurance companies are looking out for their bottom line and may twist evidence any way possible to get out of paying you anything, even if your claim is valid. 

Although it can be disheartening to learn your claim was denied, don’t let that stop you from speaking with a knowledgeable Los Angeles car crash attorney at Adamson Ahdoot LLP.

After you contact us by calling (800)310-1606, we will investigate why your claim was denied and give you solid legal advice as to how you should proceed. We may recommend you appeal the claim denial or move forward with filing a personal injury lawsuit

No matter what legal path we advise you to take, it’s imperative you do not wait to contact us. Per California law, you only have so much time to take legal action. If you wait and the time permitted by the state expires, you won’t be able to recover funds for medical bills, lost income, physical pain, mental anguish, and other types of damages. 

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