Top 3 Adamson Ahdoot Case Results in 2022 - Adamson Ahdoot LLP

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Top 3 Adamson Ahdoot Case Results in 2022

July 22, 2022 María López Garcia
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Adamson Ahdoot LLP always works hard for our clients.

2022 is no different. The commitment and tenacity of our attorneys have continued to lead to cases being settled with the best possible outcome for the people that trust us. The skills and experience of AA Law lawyers led to two $9 million cases being settled in less than a month!

To date, Adamson Ahdoot attorneys have won almost $180 million for their clients and show no signs of slowing down. And while money can’t cure your injuries or bring back a loved one, monies won can ensure you don’t have to pay medical or insurance bills out of pocket. It also holds the person for the resulting claim responsible for their actions. 

But what does a case result with a million-dollar settlement look like?

The top three Adamson Ahdoot settled cases of 2022 shown below will give you a good idea of the circumstances around a case that could lead to a large settlement.

For more case results and settlements, visit Adamson Ahdoot’s Case Results page. For help guiding your next steps, call (800) 310-1606 or contact us online for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

Here are the top three case results:

$9,000,000 Settlement

Wrongful death from Exertional Heat Stroke (EHS)

A parent expects to send their child to school and for them to be safe. 15-year-old Cristian Navarro would pay for that assumption with his life.

He was participating in the first week of football practices heavy on conditioning drills in heat exceeding 100 degrees. The field had no areas of shade and no sources of cold drinking water. At the end of practice, the aspiring football player laid down and could not rise on his own. Unable to rally strength, he was taken to the hospital, where he died shortly after.

His parents alleged reckless disregard for their son’s health and safety shown by the defendants. They allege these actions occurred during football practice on one of the hottest days of the year in September 2020, directly causing their child’s heat illness and ultimately his wrongful death.

ATTORNEYS: Christopher Adamson & Austin G.Ward

$9,000,000 Settlement

Pedestrian accident causes Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

When a person is trying to do good, like volunteering in their community, they should get plaudits. Unfortunately, our client learned that no good deed goes unpunished.

They were on their way to volunteer at a community function, when the large van they were being transported in stopped and parked illegally in a running street lane, impeding the flow of traffic.

Upon parking, they disembarked and were forced to step onto a busy city street. They attempted to cross to help a friend board the van safely and in doing so, were hit by a separate vehicle. The second vehicle drove completely into the opposite lane of travel to get around the van and struck them, causing lasting injuries and profound traumatic brain injuries requiring 24-hour care.

ATTORNEYS: Christopher Adamson & Federico Sayre

$5,750,000 Settlement

High impact Rear-End collision causes lasting Injuries

There’s nothing more important than family time, and it’s never fun when it’s interrupted. It’s even worse when family time is interrupted by something like a car accident.

Our client was transporting their family, including small children, in their vehicle on a day out on the busy 14 freeway.  As our client slowed down their vehicle for the traffic ahead, a car behind them failed to slow down in time due to their high speed and slammed into the rear of the family’s vehicle.  The officer on the scene found the defendant at fault for the rear-end accident.

Not only did this accident ruin a day out with family, but our client also sustained serious injuries to their neck, back, and arms, while their children suffered bruises, cuts, and debilitating pain. They continue to suffer from permanent, lasting injuries.

ATTORNEYS: Alan Ahdoot & Austin G. Ward


As seen from the three case results above, no claim looks the same and the reasons for a large settlement can vary. All three case results involve a different type of personal injury case, but with each claim, the aggressive and attentive personal injury attorneys at Adamson Ahdoot made sure to get our client the best possible result that included peace of mind and maximum compensation.

The constant in the settlements shown here are the attorneys themselves. With over 100 years of combined legal experience, the award-winning lawyers at AA Law can help you understand what your next steps should be if you, or a family member, have been injured. Call (800) 310-1606 or contact us today for a no-cost, no-obligation quote.

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