How Much is My Injury Claim Worth?
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, truck accident, defective product accident or any other type of accident caused by another person’s reckless behavior, you may be wondering how much money you can collect by filing a personal injury lawsuit. When filing a lawsuit, the amount of compensation you’re able to collect will vary significantly on a number of factors.
Typically, our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers will work alongside experts in the fields of investigation and medicine to help determine the value of a case. When working with these experts, we take into consideration:
How severe your injury is. Do you require ongoing hospitalization or surgeries?What is the long-term prognosis for your injury?
How your injury has affected you economically. Have you taken days, weeks, or months off work? Has your injury affected your ability to work in the same industry as you did before the accident?
How much medical care you’ve had and will continue to need. Have you suffered permanent disabilities following the accident? Do you require round-the-clock care or assistance with daily living?
How many additional expenses you’ve accrued as a result of your injury. For example: do you need expensive medicine, medical devices or modifications made to your home? Does your injury affect your ability to perform the tasks you did before the accident (e.g landscaping, childcare, housekeeping).
Your need for therapy and mental health services. Will you need years of physical rehabilitation or ongoing help coping with the emotional distress associated with a severe injury?
We will also consider the value of your non-economic damages, such as diminished quality of life, loss of consortium, and pain and suffering. Unlike economic damages, which have an assigned value, non-economic damages don’t necessarily have an assigned value and are much harder to calculate.
At Adamson Ahdoot LLP, we leave no stone unturned when determining both economic and non-economic damages. Our legal team will consult our network of experts and research similar cases to determine a full and fair compensation amount.
It’s important to keep in mind, the insurance company involved in the accident will play a big role in determining how much money you get. Depending on the factors surrounding your case, you may be left dealing with an auto insurance company, commercial business insurance company or a homeowner’s insurance company. Typically, you’ll only be able to recover compensation up to the policy limit that applies to your personal injury claim. However, there may be other avenues of compensation, which is why it’s important to consult a qualified attorney.
If you would like to learn how much your claim may be worth, please do not hesitate to contact a skilled Los Angeles automobile accident lawyer at Adamson Ahdoot LLP. After reviewing the details of your case, we can give you an estimate of what you may be able to collect. We will fight for your right to maximum compensation for the damages associated with your accident and injury. Submit a contact form today to arrange a free consultation.
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Adamson Ahdoot has successfully executed a plethora of personal injury cases.
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