Legal Process Archives - Adamson Ahdoot LLP

Legal Process

What Happens if a Car Accident Was Yo...

Legal Process

If you are at fault for causing a car accident, you and your insurance will be liable for the damages of the other driver and any passengers. However, don’t be too quick to assume you are at fault. Fault is a complicated issue that requires a full investigation. Learning about how fault is determined, what...

You’ve Been Hit by a Truck, and You H...

Legal Process

The rate of large truck accidents continues to rise in Los Angeles and across the country. 107,000 large trucks were involved in crashes resulting in an injury in 2020 and the number of trucks involved in fatal crashes has increased by 5% since 2016. In fact, the National Safety Council reports that in 2020, large...

Hit by a Car? Answers to Common Quest...

Legal Process

The moments after being hit by a vehicle can be stressful and disorienting, but knowing what to do after an accident will put you on the first steps to relief. Here are the top questions we hear from people after they’ve been hit by a car: If you have specific questions related to being hit...

What are the Four Elements Required f...

Legal Process

To have the best chance of getting relief and winning compensation after an accident or injury, it’s important to know the elements necessary. Keep in mind that these are elements that need to be met to initially file a personal injury claim. Just because you can prove all four elements doesn’t automatically mean that you...

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Above all else, our clients come first. We go above and beyond to obtain the highest level of compensation possible.

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Adamson Ahdoot has successfully executed a plethora of personal injury cases.

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