$100k Settlement for Right Turn Collision | Adamson Ahdoot LLP

$100K Settlement for Right Turn Collision With Trailer

Our client was the driver of a vehicle traveling eastbound in the #2 lane on Napa Street in an unincorporated city of San Bernardino County, California. At that time, the defendant driver was driving a vehicle with an attached trailer eastbound in the #1 lane. Suddenly, the defendant driver began to make a right turn. In doing so, they collided with our client’s vehicle. This truck accident led the victim to contact a San Bernardino attorney at Adamson Ahdoot.

The police officer at the scene determined that the defendant driver was at fault for the collision. Specifically, the defendant violated California Vehicle Code Section 22107 VC for a dangerous turning movement. As a result of the collision, our client’s vehicle sustained extensive damage to the left side.

After the accident, our client went to the emergency room at St. Mary’s Medical Center. There, they examined and treated our client for the injuries sustained in the earlier motor vehicle collision. The plaintiff complained of neck and chest pain, rating it as an 8/10.

Physical examination demonstrated pain, stiffness, and tenderness to palpation in the neck and upper and lower back. A doctor in the emergency department ordered X-rays on the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and chest.

Ultimately, our San Bernardino accident attorney recovered $100K for the victim for the damages caused by the trailer truck. With over 100 years of experience, Adamson Ahdoot is the #1 choice in California.

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