Pedestrian Severely Injured from Hit-And-Run Incident - Adamson Ahdoot LLP

California Legal Blog

Pedestrian Severely Injured from Hit-And-Run Incident

September 7, 2020 Alan Ahdoot

On September 1st, 2020 night, a female pedestrian was struck by a Toyota Camry car in a hit-and-run incident near Carlota Boulevard. The car was described by the victim as a white sedan carrying a California license plate starting with 8CH. The victim sustained severe injuries and is still hospitalized until now. Investigation on the identity of the driver is still ongoing. 

Were You Seriously Injured in a Hit-And-Run Incident?

Every year, more than 100,000 people will be injured from a hit-and-run vehicle crash. You may be one of these people. No matter the severity of your injuries, you have the right to file a personal injury claim against the negligent driver. We can provide you with a legal representative that is most suitable for your case. If you’d like to discuss your case with us for free, call us at (866) 698-2306, available 24/7. 

Source: The Eastsider

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