Lebec Road Traffic Accident Caused Power Outage

California Legal Blog

Lebec Road Traffic Accident Caused Power Outage

October 7, 2020 Alan Ahdoot

A traffic accident was reported near Lebec Road on Thursday, October 1st at around 2:20 p.m. A van collided with a utility pole, causing several telephone and electricity lines in the area to be cut off. The location of the accident was close to a nearby post office. Three people seemed to be involved in the accident – one male adult and two underaged individuals. The van was overturned from the impact. It is unknown whether anyone was injured by the accident. As a result of the accident, the Lebec Road is temporarily closed for several hours while the police investigated the scene.

Can You File A Premise Liability Claim Against Business Entities?

Yes, you can. In the event that your traffic accident was caused by a company’s inability to maintain their property boundaries, you can pursue a premise liability claim against them. For example, an overgrown tree or even an improperly managed utility pole can be a great hazard to a passerby, both pedestrian or vehicle drivers. However, filing a claim against a business entity means that you will be facing their legal team. Thus, it is essential that you find yourself an attorney that can handle your case well. To get in touch with one of the attorneys with expertise in premise liability claims, call us at (877) 871-3265.

Source: Mountain Enterprise

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