E-Scooter Riders Face Triple the Accidents of Cyclists | Adamson Ahdoot LLP

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E-Scooter Riders Have Three Times as Many Accidents Compared to Cyclists

August 30, 2022 Alan Ahdoot
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Los Angeles E-scooter riders beware!

E-scooter riders suffer almost three times as many accidents as cyclists, according to an Oslo study. Research from a UCLA study also found that e-scooter riders are likelier to be young, drunk, and helmetless. 

Scientists say stronger regulations and awareness campaigns are necessary to reduce accidents.

“E-scooter injuries commonly occurred at nighttime and involved young adults who were not helmeted and most often intoxicated, in contrast, most bicycle injuries were sustained during commuting hours and involved riders of a wider age range who were often helmeted and less likely to be riding while intoxicated,” said Dr. August Stray, of Oslo University Hospital, a corresponding author.

The data is based on almost 3,200 injured individuals in Oslo between January 2019 and March 2020 while using e-scooters or bicycles. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) team also used data on 1,354 people treated at clinics in Los Angeles from January 2014 and January 2020 – before and after the introduction of e-scooters to the area.

Dr. Stray also said: “The rate of intoxication among electric scooter riders injured at night was high. Preventive measures, including awareness campaigns, regulating electric scooter availability, improving infrastructure, and implementing stricter helmet and alcohol policies, may prove effective in reducing injuries.”

Other E-scooter statistics:

  1. E-scooter users are FIVE TIMES more likely to drink-drive and 30 TIMES more likely to drive helmetless.
  2. Four in 10 electric scooter users were drunk, compared to just 7% of cyclists.
  3. The rider was wearing a helmet in just one in 50 accidents involving an e-scooter.
  4. According to the study, nine deaths were attributed to e-scooters in 2021, up from just one in 2019.
  5. The most common age of the person involved in a collision with an e-scooter, not including the rider, was aged between 50 and 59.
  6. 115 E-scooter injuries occur for every 1 million E-scooter trips.

The tested study included 850 e-scooter riders and 2,341 cyclists. Nearly two-thirds of both groups were men.

“The main reason for male overrepresentation is most likely a gender difference in everyday risk-taking behavior,” said Dr. Stray.

We can help you!

If you or a loved one have had an accident or been injured while on an e-scooter, reach out to Adamson Ahdoot LLP today. The compassionate and aggressive personal injury attorneys at AA Law always get the best possible settlements for our clients and the peace of mind they deserve. Contact us online or call (800) 310-1606.

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