Distracted Driving is Causing an Alarming Rise in Car Accidents | AA Law

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Distracted Driving is Causing an Alarming Rise in Car Accidents

April 5, 2022 María López Garcia

Distracted driving or driving while texting, talking, or eating, is becoming one of the leading causes of car accidents across the nation. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), on a typical day, more than eight people are tragically killed in distracted driving-related accidents. In addition to the tragic deaths occurring, hundreds of motorists are injured every day in the U.S. because of distracted drivers, reports the NSC.

Distractions abound for drivers nowadays, with music systems, navigation systems, and cell phones being a daily part of life. These distractions are causing a sharp rise in car accidents. Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show accidents caused by distracted driving were up 10% in 2019 from the previous year. As a result, more than 3,100 people were tragically killed in distracted driving car crashes in 2019, reports the NSC. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), driving distractions can be:

  • Visual or anything that requires you to take your eyes off the road. Some examples of visual driving distractions include changing the navigation system, looking for items in your car, adjusting the stereo, and looking at other passengers.
  • Manual or any action that requires you to take your hands off the steering wheel. Some examples of manual driving distractions include smoking, drinking, eating, and adjusting a seatbelt or vehicle control.
  • Cognitive or anything that takes your focus off driving and the road. Some examples of cognitive driving distractions include singing along with the stereo, talking to other passengers, and driving while angry, sad, or excited.

What’s the deadliest driving distraction? That’s right, your cell phone. Here’s what the DMV has to say about cell phone use while driving…

“…your cell phone falls right into all three categories of driving distractions. In fact, texting and driving along with talking on the phone has become the deadliest factor in distracted driving accidents.”

Department of motor vehicles

The CHP reports it issued more than 55,800 citations for distracted driving in 2021. According to preliminary data compiled in the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, that same year driver inattention resulted in over 13,000 crashes. And, at least 56 distracted drivers were involved in fatal crashes and nearly 6,300 other distracted drivers were involved in injury crashes throughout California.

What Can You Do to Help Reduce Distractions While Driving?

There are several actions you can take to make your drive distraction-free, such as:

Keep your car clean

Items rolling around the car floor, dirty windows, and items that could potentially obstruct your view are all possible distractions. Clear your car of any unnecessary items and anything that could take your focus off the wheel and road.

Plan for your trip before getting on the road

Map your destination, buckle those seatbelts, and find your favorite music before taking off on your trip. Also, eat and drink before your trip, so you don’t have to while driving.

Adhere to state laws and practice safe driving

Follow the “rules of the road” and adhere to any state laws, particularly regarding the use of a cell phone while driving.

Don’t drive while emotional or tired

If you’re feeling sleepy or are emotional (e.g., excessively angry, or sad) stay off the road until you’ve rested or had some time to stabilize your emotions. If possible, have someone else drive.

Give yourself a break

If you’re on a long road trip, give yourself a break to stretch, answer any calls, eat, and go to the bathroom.

Graphic with permission of the National Safety Council

By reducing the number of distractions while driving, you’ll help reduce the potential of an accident occurring and the possibility of a devastating injury or worse, death.

Let us help you

If you were seriously injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, don’t wait to speak with a Los Angeles car accident lawyer at Adamson Ahdoot LLP. Our experienced and aggressive attorneys specialize in getting clients the peace of mind and maximum compensation they deserve.

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