5 Common Mistakes Personal Injury Victims Make - Adamson Ahdoot LLP

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5 Common Mistakes Personal Injury Victims Make

December 24, 2020 Alan Ahdoot

If you or a loved one has experienced an accident or suffered an injury, you might be nervous about making mistakes while your case is being examined. Legal processes can be complicated, so get an experienced California personal injury attorney on your side to make sure your claim has the best chance.

To best navigate the justice system and avoid any undue legal liability for your injury, be sure to avoid these common mistakes made by many personal injury victims.

Mistake 1: Not Calling the Police

It can be challenging to remember all of the correct steps to take after you have had an accident, but one of the most important to remember after suffering an injury is to call local law enforcement to the scene. Having the presence of a police officer is legally necessary, and missing this step could potentially disqualify you from receiving the compensation that you deserve.

Other benefits to having law enforcement on the scene are that they can assist in identifying the cause of the accident and gathering evidence, which can include anything from physical objects to photos or video. All of these pieces are essential to building up evidence for your claim and will ultimately help you in court.

Mistake 2: Not Speaking with Witnesses

Gathering information from witnesses who were at the scene or involved in the incident is vital to the personal injury process. Their testimony can make or break a claim. As with all accidents, the more evidence that you can provide, the more likely it is that the justice system will be on your side. Neglecting to gather evidence, including photos and video, can create massive insurance issues and cause you to be found at fault for the incident.

If you are unable to gather testimony or evidence due to the injury you sustained during the accident, enlist someone at the scene to help you obtain evidence and send it to you for documentation.

Mistake 3: Not Seeking Medical Care

Some accidents may not cause immediate pain or injury, which means that some individuals avoid seeking medical treatment altogether because they feel perfectly fine. However, seeing a medical professional is vital after a personal injury accident. A variety of physical and mental symptoms can surface after the accident, which is why only a licensed physician will be able to help you identify potential problems or injuries you might have unknowingly sustained.

Mistake 4: Not Immediately Filing a Claim

It is important to note that the statute of limitations in California is limited to two years after the initial date of the incident for personal injury cases, which is reduced to only six months for cases involving public or government institutions. Regardless of where your accident took place, file your claim before the statute of limitations expires. Once the time limit runs out, you will not be able to take your claim to court or proceed with any legal action involving the incident.  

Mistake 5: Not Hiring a Qualified Personal Injury Lawyer

Many law firms have attorneys with experience in personal injury law, but when it comes to getting the compensation that you need, accept only the best. An experienced personal injury lawyer will already be aware of how to proceed with your case, and they will provide you with all the information and tools you need to successfully carry out your claim.

Make the Right Choice with an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in California

If you are ready to learn more about the next steps in the personal injury process, reach out to the experienced attorneys at Adamson Ahdoot Law Firm. Our team of experts will help you stay informed throughout the entire process, and we will always help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Here at Adamson Ahdoot, our California-based personal injury law firm has more than 100 years of combined experience across our team of dedicated attorneys and professionals. Call 877-871-3265 or complete our online contact form to schedule your free consultation and learn more.

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